Monday, January 26, 2009

Rush Limbaugh

These are the two interviews of Rush Limbaugh (The far right radio host currently in news because of his comments on Obama). The intereviews were with Sean Hannity on Fox news which I somehow managed to tune into. He clarifies his full stand on Obama's policies, questions the credentials, and expresses disappointment with Republicans taking an increasingly moderate stand to win 'acceptance'. Although taken with a grain of salt, I do see his point - not sure if I fully agree though! I thought it would be ineteresting for you guys to hear the 'other' point of view.

Part 1:

Part 2:

1 comment:

Domino said...

The problem in a democracy is the balance between rhetoric and do the right thing. As with Bush and the war, where it was considered unpatriotic to oppose him, so too, we could go the wrong way if we allow Obama unfettered freedoms.

This underscores my belief that the GOP will be just as rabid in opposition unlike their Democratic counterparts in the face of war.